My Bitcoin Journey; It takes time!
I grew up believing the American dream. I still do, but I am now aware of what it really is and what is important. I was the first in my family to graduate with a degree from a 4 year university. I watched and observed my father struggle through all of the challenges life threw at him. Yet, he and mom persevered and gave my brother and sister and I a chance to do what they were not financially able to do - get a degree.
Fast forward many years from my graduation and I found myself being managed out of a 21 year very successful career with my employer. It was not performance, it was in my mind political during the covid years. It wound up being the catalyst that would test my faith in institutions, and grow my faith in Jesus.
In the middle of all this, my brother began to talk to me about bitcoin. I dismissed it. That "magic internet money" was nothing I was interested in. I just would not believe that the US Dollar was in trouble, and that money was broken globally because of the unfettered printing of FIAT currencies. He then spoke to me about inflation, and the double insult of the devaluation of the US Dollar via the printing press. The US dollar was only valuable because we believe it is valuable - there is NOTHING behind it. This struck a nerve. Of course, my brother could not possibly have all of this wisdom right? So I did what he recommended (just to "shut him up" - ha!) and watched video's by gurus like Michael Saylor and a very wise character called BitCoin Ben on YouTube. They made sense - I put in my 100 hours to peel this onion and began to understand.
My financial strategy was brilliant (not). I had been earning a very good living for decades to support my future. Here's the sum of it: out earn your own stupidity. The problem with that strategy is that earnings can stop suddenly, but stupidity is hard to give up. My wife and I had thankfully begun just prior to my professional departure to meet with a traditional financial advisor who had us in what he called "wealth preservation" mode. By his accounting and by going back to the great depression we were projected to have enough money to last until I was 95, and have enough left over for my wife - 11 years my junior. The problem is, we have NEVER in traditional financial terms seen times like this. I'll talk in another blog about the 50 year cycle that's been going on for thousands of years - and how it supports what is happening now with bitcoin.
So, to quickly end this story - I will tell you, I was blessed to have enough money in the 401K to take a small position in bitcoin - it has grown by about 400%. Traditional Finance (TRADFI) hates this and they are only now becoming wise to this Bitcoin magic internet money being real.
I'm not wealthy (yet) by any financial standards - but I am rich. Rich in that I understand a lot of what has been a mystery, rich in that I have a Lord who loves me and a wife and family who love and support me too.
No matter where you are on your journey - PLEASE, be patient with the "no-coiners" and keep gently explaining and offering help. Everyone will eventually own bitcoin at the price they deserve! Even at around $100,000 per coin - it is still absolutely a bargain.
I cannot recommend a better first look at bitcoin than a video available on YouTube; God Bless Bitcoin at https://youtu.be/oksraL7wN6Q?si=zKmjFJfG6Qsa0SVI
God bless YOU! And happy stacking.